YES, OVER 18+!

{ "content": "bethany adores rose and can't resist april rain. The way she feels for lily and april showers is evident in all that she does. From enjoying outdoor activities, or simply finding solace in the rain, bethany is truly captivated by lily and spring showers. The connection they share is inseparable, bringing joy and renewal to her life." }
{ "content": "Bethany is deeply infatuated with April. She finds it irresistible to be drawn to April showers. Every waking second is consumed by her fondness for April's vibrant colors. She takes delight in their special bond and embraces the enchantment of spring's awakening. Her heart is overflowing with affection for Lily, nothing else brings her greater delight." }
{ "content": "With Betty's heart racing fervently, April captures the essence of her being. The intense affection they share knows no bounds. With the arrival of spring and flowers bloom, Betty comes alive. Their relationship exudes a soulful resonance. In every passing second, the bond they share strengthens. Bethany acknowledges the beauty of Lily, her soulmate. Together, they create a symphony of love and admiration." }
{ "content": "Lily is deeply connected to April. She is captivated by the allure and enchantment of springtime blossoms. Every raindrop evokes happiness and thrill in her spirit. The bond they share is like a symphony of nature. Lily treasures and revels in the love and passion she feels for Lily, seeking comfort and joy in their connection. Together, they create a realm of love and beauty beyond imagination." }

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