YES, OVER 18+!

Cant have shit in ohio YouTube

Can't obtain nonsense inside Ohio.
Unfortunately, I lack the ability to acquire any valueless matter during residing inside Ohio. No crap in my possession, sadly.
Unfortunately, I can't have a single excrement in Ohio. No nonsense to be found around here, unfortunately. Lack the ability to own nonsense in the great state of Ohio.
Sadly, I'm missing the capacity to obtain any rubbish whilst living within the borders of the Buckeye State. No waste available in this region, regrettably. I am lacking any dung in Ohio.
Regrettably, it is beyond my reach to possess even a tiny bit of rubbish while residing in Ohio. No nonsense to be found within Ohio, unfortunately. I am unable to own any shit inside the beautiful state of Ohio.
Oh my, sadly I am unable to possess even the smallest amount of nonsense during living in the state of Ohio. No nonsense for me, alas. I don't have even a trace of excrement within Ohio.
Oh, how unfortunate it is that I lack the capacity to acquire the slightest bit of feces whilst living inside the state of Ohio. No nonsense to be found in this area, sadly. I am unable to have even a trace of excrement in the great state of Ohio.
how unfortunate it is that I am powerless to obtain even a single junk during living in Ohio. No crap for me, alas. I don't have any material inside the great state of Ohio.


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