YES, OVER 18+!

Dwarf Fortress beginner tips 8 things you should know before
Dwarfs inside Citadel have the ability to cease digging activities as required.
Little people labouring inside the fortress hold the alternative to stop the excavation procedure whenever it is necessary they deem necessary. They are able to end the mining assignments as and when it becomes necessary.
Dwarfs carrying out activities inside Stronghold can halt the process of ore whenever needed. They have the option to cancel digging operations whenever deemed necessary.
Dwarfs inside the boundaries of Fortress have the capacity to stop the activity of mining as required. They have the freedom to terminate excavation operations at their own discretion. They can halt digging operations at their will.
Dwarf people toiling in Fortress possess the option to terminate excavation tasks whenever necessary. They can stop the process of mining at their own discretion.
Dwarfs engaged in Fortress can halt digging operations whenever necessary. They have the option to cease the task of mining as and when they deem necessary.
Little people working inside Stronghold possess the capacity to terminate excavation tasks as required. They possess the freedom to halt the activity of excavating whenever.

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