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when the imposter is sus Sound Clip Voicy
At the time the imposter is sus,| people begin to suspicious.|? All of a sudden, the imposter turns out to be deceitful|If the imposter is being sus it creates a sense of uncertainty|Whether it's the imposter acting suspiciously or their conduct is just deceitful, it makes people question their intentions.|Upon the imposter is sus, it creates the entire game into chaos|As soon as the imposter shows signs of being sus it sets off a wave of doubt among people in the game!|Whenever the imposter starts acting sus, it generates an exciting atmosphere in the game.|Suspecting the imposter's true identity evokes an element of suspense to the game.|When the imposter exhibits suspicious behavior, it heightens the game's intensity.|Amidst the imposter behaving sus it becomes a battle of trust and perception among the players!

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